New Villain: Unstable

There is a villain named "Unstable" who is an Aztec. He was a Nephilim, born to a human mother and an angel father. In this universe, Christianity is the true religion.

Unstable, as a character in the game, was once an Aztec child named Xochipilli. He had a sister, Xochitl, who was the child of a human man named Itzcóatl and their mother, Atlatonin. Unstable's father was an angel named Gabriello from the Christian religion. Christianity is the canon reality of the story, and the Aztecs believe in a false religion.

When Unstable discovers this, he feels that his entire existence is proof because his father is an angel from the Christian religion. He not only gets angry but also feels betrayed. His sister died because his father decided to ruin his childhood by tricking the Aztecs into sacrificing her to a false idol for rain, with Gabriello pretending to be that false idol. They believed her tears were a sign of blessing from a false idol.

The reason his father did this was due to the most idiotic reason: his mother divorced him because her family disapproved of their marriage since he didn't believe in the Aztec false idols. In revenge, because she had remarried and had another child, he had the child killed. Then he killed the boy's stepfather and mother.

This drove the boy to go clinically insane, and when he was an adult, he attacked his father and killed the priest who sacrificed his sister. The reason why was that as an adult, upon realizing the Aztec religion was false, he sought revenge. When he died, he became a demon resembling a character from a Bendy cartoon, with a rubber hose animation style.

Unstable had a problem with mental health, and when he died, that problem persisted because it was a result of trauma. As a dead Nephilim demon, he would entertain children. He used to shapeshift into a rabbit that resembled Mickey Mouse from rubber hose animation.

He worked for the boarding school "A Temporary Placement For Growing Minds," which Satanists used as a front for their operations to gain sacrifices and children to work for them as slaves.

Unstable is called that because of his randomly generated appearances. If you're playing the game and enter his domain, you'll hear an animated "That's all folks!" signaling that he's here. There is a 50% chance he'll show up to "greet" you, a 40% chance he'll grab you, pick you up, and drop you, and a 20% chance he'll pop out of a vent to do such a thing.

Random Generator Mechanics:

  • Appearance: Sometimes he'll show up, and sometimes he won't.
  • Death Bomb: There is a 30% chance that he will throw a death bomb at you, causing you to lose 20 health.
  • Paralyzation Bomb: He also has other bombs called paralyzation bombs that look the same. These bombs paralyze you for 5 seconds and take away 5 health.

Development Notes:

The reason why the writer decided you lose 20 health instead of facing instant death is due to the limitations of the Quest software used to make the game, which is primarily a text-based RPG. Instant death would have been unfair due to the game's mechanics, where dodging would have been complicated. To balance this, the writer included a necklace in the game that allows you to deflect the bomb back at Unstable, causing him to leave for about 5 minutes, giving you enough time to escape.

Game Mechanics:

  • The RNG is there because this is a text adventure and not an actual 3D or 2D game. The percentage chances determine Unstable's actions.
  • Unstable is not the most deadly character, but he lives up to his name by attacking unpredictably. His random generator works differently than other characters, who have more stable reactions.

Attack Mechanics:

  • Unstable has a 50% chance of randomly punching you in the face.
  • You can attack back, and your attacks will work. This is different from other villains, where attacks have a 4% chance of malfunctioning.

Player Advantages:

  • To balance the RNG and make it less frustrating, every successful attack on Unstable causes him to leave for about 5 minutes, allowing players to beat the level more easily.

Level Experience:

  • The level isn't boring because Unstable stalks you. You can see and hear him if your character isn't looking in his direction.
  • The developers considered adding a VR experience, similar to a type of YouTube video where you can look around in a virtual reality environment. However, they weren't sure how to implement this and were concerned about the complexity.

Unstable has an axe that he will use if instructed. There is a 20% chance that Angel Harrison will ask him to find you and kill you as a sacrifice, and Unstable will then literally try to axe you.


  • Balance Mechanism: To avoid frustrating players with random attacks, the writer implemented a 40-second timer. Within the first 40 seconds, you need to type "Dodge the axe" to successfully evade Unstable's attack.
  • Timer: There is a visible timer indicating how long you have before you're dead. If the timer runs out after 40 seconds, Unstable will axe you, ending the game. You will then have to restart from a different room or your last save point.

Audio and Ambiance:

  • Music: The music is ominous, and you will almost always hear his footsteps along with ambient noise.
  • 8D Format: The sound is designed in 8D format, allowing you to hear Unstable all around you, enhancing the immersive experience.
  • There is a 30% chance that you will not hear his footsteps or music, but you will always hear the ambiance and sound effects and the sound of metal stretching up against the wall.

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